Intern Spotlight: Meet Ewan

Ewan’s Journey at Conservation Florida

At Conservation Florida, our mission thrives on dedicated and passionate individuals like Ewan, whose journey with us has been nothing short of impactful and inspiring. Ewan first found us through a unique service learning project at University of Central Florida. What started as a school assignment turned into so much more for Ewan. The very values he was studying in our team turned out to be ones he lived by himself, thanks to his experience at D Ranch Preserve, roughly 30 miles outside of Orlando.

From Chance Encounter to Deep Commitment

When Ewan first stepped foot on D Ranch Preserve in October 2023, the sprawling land and the wind through the trees invited him in. He was met by Conservation Florida's land steward, Mark Rizzo, but also by the lush landscape — vibrant greens and earthy browns, where wildlife darted through underbrush and the sky seemed to stretch endlessly. The beauty and potential of the property, combined with the meaningful impact of our work, sparked something within him. He was drawn not only to the hands-on clean-ups but also to the broader mission of Conservation Florida. His semester-long project soon turned into an ongoing involvement, driven by a newfound passion for conservation and the unique charm of D Ranch Preserve.

Why Ewan Chose to Return

Ewan's connection to D Ranch Preserve grew stronger with each visit. Living in bustling Orlando, he cherished his escapes to the serene expanse of D Ranch Preserve. Each visit was truly wild: the brisk, fresh air that invigorated him, the dramatic thunderstorms that rolled across the horizon, and the subtle rustling of creatures hidden in the tall grass. These moments — watching a deer cautiously approach a clearing or feeling the first droplets of rain after a dry spell — cemented his belief in the importance of preserving such spaces. The ranch wasn’t just a piece of property; it was a testament to nature's resilience and a beacon for his future aspirations.

Making a Difference Together

Through early mornings and hands-on learning, Ewan's commitment landed him an internship. Mornings at D Ranch Preserve were a mix of grit and discovery: the challenge of treating invasive Cogan grass and the quiet satisfaction of seeing the land thrive. Under Mark’s mentorship, Ewan gained invaluable skills — balancing multiple projects, understanding land management, and witnessing the tangible effects of their work. Each skill learned was another brushstroke on his growing canvas of conservation knowledge.


“Every time I'm out there, I'm learning something new.”

Reflecting on the Experience

Working with Mark has been a highlight for Ewan, who praises the mentorship and practical skills he’s gained. Whether it's tackling trail maintenance or listening in on strategic planning sessions, Ewan values the broad knowledge and skills he's developed. He recalls the feeling of working on the ranch, reinforcing his desire to pursue a career in conservation. "To think that this kind of work could be a career path is so uplifting and inspiring. This is what I want to be doing, this kind of work,” he says.

Join Us in Our Mission

Ewan’s journey embodies what makes Conservation Florida special. His enthusiasm is infectious.

“It’s amazing to see people’s faces light up when they hear about D Ranch,” he says with a smile. 

We invite you to experience the magic of D Ranch for yourself — explore the trails, feel the pulse of the land, and see how you can contribute to our mission. From community outreach to trail planning events, there’s a place for everyone to make a meaningful impact. Join us, and be part of something extraordinary.

“Ewan is a great example of how passion, leadership and volunteerism can lead to further contributions in conservation,” said Conservation Florida Land Steward Mark Rizzo.

About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land conservancy working to conserve Florida’s water, wildlife, wild places, and protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor. The organization’s conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, wildlife corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy, and nature-based recreation. Since its founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has prioritized strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved more than 35,000 acres of critical habitat. 

Conservation Florida