Welcome New CTF Executive Committee & Board Members

At the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors held at the Herlong Mansion B&B on January 28th, a new Executive Committee was elected.

Executive Committee

President: David Pais, Owner of Pais Realty and Pais Landscapes.

Vice-President: Ed Montgomery, Director, Real Estate Sales and Marketing for TerraPointe Services.

Treasurer: Nancy J. Peterson, Associate Director for Research and Services, Univ. of FL School of Forest Resources and Conservation.

Secretary: Stephen Nesbitt, Sandhill crane and eagle expert. Ornithologist and retired Biological Administrator for the Florida Wildlife Commission and member of the Whooping Crane Recovery Team.

Welcome New Board Members!

Mike Webster: Mike grew up in south Florida as a conservation ethic emerged from issues surrounding the Jetport, Big Cypress National Preserve, and Everglades System restoration. A northeast Florida resident since the late 1970s, Mike served on the Board of the Florida Wildlife Federation and witnessed the creation of Jennings State Forest and the related Ravines, Talbot Island State Park, Guana WMA/State Park, Northeast Florida Timberlands Reserve, and Osceola National Forest Pinhook addition. Mike has been involved with diverse local government growth management proceedings, and is the recipient of the City of Jacksonville Mimi and Lee Adams Environmental Award. A licensed Yacht Broker, he is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys and uses Florida’s public lands and waterways, and is a member of a hunting club.

Lee “Alex” Wheeler III: Alex is a Senior Accounting Manager at Bunting Tripp and Ingley LLP CPA’s in Lake Wales, Florida, where he specializes in not-for-profit organizations. He is a former Polk School Board member and city commissioner, and served five terms as mayor of Lake Wales. He is past president of Green Horizons Land Trust, Chairman and founding member of Lake Wales Free Clinic, Inc., treasurer of the Lake Wales Health Care Foundation, and was named 2010 Citizen of the Year. He is an avid SCUBA diver who enjoys camping and working with environmental causes.


CTF Accredited by the Land Trust Alliance