Conservation Florida protects 476 acres in Volusia County
Land in Deltona bordering the Lake Monroe Conservation Area is now permanently protected.
Photo of tarflower (Bejaria racemosa) at D Ranch by CFL team member.
Orlando, Fla., Jan. 15, 2020 — Conservation Florida, a leader in statewide conservation, announced today that it now owns 476 acres in Volusia County thanks to a generous donation by D Ranch, Ltd.
Located in Deltona and just miles from downtown Sanford, the area is under immense development pressure. D Ranch, Ltd. chose to protect the property by working with Conservation Florida to see it preserved. A spokesperson for D Ranch Ltd. expressed “appreciation for Conservation Florida undertaking the preservation of not only ecosystems but some of Florida’s cultural heritage in the process.”
Conservation Florida prioritizes conservation projects that provide habitat for the survival of Florida’s iconic species, recharge drinking water or benefit other hydrologic functions, offer outdoor recreation, or benefit the community — protecting this property does all of the above.
The D Ranch Preserve, formerly known as D Ranch, served as a ranch and cow/calf operation for decades. The property is located across the street from the Beck Ranch Park on Reed Ellis Road and SR-415. It also borders the 7,487-acre Lake Monroe Conservation Area, which is managed by the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Conservation Florida will consider opening the property for passive public uses, such as hiking, horseback riding, and academic research.
In addition to buffering public conservation lands, the D Ranch Preserve further protects the Lake Monroe watershed. More, a freshwater stream on the preserve flows through Lake Monroe Conservation Area wetlands and into Lake Bethel, which feeds both Lake Monroe and the St. John’s River.
The preserve contains 149 acres of critical Florida scrub habitat and 60 acres of scrubby flatwoods. Many Florida species require this habitat for their survival, including Florida Scrub-Jays, sand skinks, eastern indigo snakes, wood storks, burrowing owls, and Florida black bears.
To date, the Conservation Florida team has identified 43 species of native plants and spotted an American river otter swimming on-site.
“This property is what conservation is all about, and we’re grateful to D Ranch, Ltd. for wanting to see it protected for future generations of Floridians,” said Traci Deen, Conservation Florida’s executive director and CEO. “This property, located in an area under serious development pressure, protects rare ecosystems, provides habitat for Florida’s wildlife, builds on current conservation areas, and helps protect Florida’s freshwater. We’re so proud to preserve this property and hope that one day Floridians will be able to come out and experience it firsthand.”
Conservation Florida will consider a cattle grazing lease on certain portions of the land to serve as a near-term management tool of the improved pasture areas. However, the organization plans to restore the property to a natural state as part of a long-term management plan for the preserve.
About Conservation Florida
Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land conservancy with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.
We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever!