Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Announcing Florida Cattle Ranchers as “This Brand Saves Land™” Corporate Partner

Conservation Florida is proud to announce Florida Cattle Ranchers as the first corporate partner for the organization’s This Brand Saves Land™ corporate philanthropy campaign.

Orlando, Fla. (June 10, 2021) - Conservation Florida is proud to announce Florida Cattle Ranchers as the first corporate partner for the organization’s This Brand Saves Land™ corporate philanthropy campaign.  

Florida Cattle Ranchers, or FCR, has committed to ensuring a healthy future for Florida in partnership with Conservation Florida by donating to support the land conservancy’s mission to protect Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations.  

When customers purchase Florida Cattle Ranchers Beef, a percentage of those sales will support Conservation Florida’s land protection capabilities as a part of the organization’s statewide effort to save critical ecosystems and wildlife corridors forever.   

“This partnership is huge for the Florida Cattle Ranchers. We are thrilled to be working alongside Conservation Florida because we’re confident that this partnership will enable us to achieve new heights in conservation throughout our state,” said Gene Lollis, FCR founding member and chairman of the board.   

FCR’s mission is to bring Florida consumers homegrown beef using time-honored traditions, wholesome and humane practices, and an intentional focus on the sustainability of Florida’s land and water resources with transparency and integrity. Driven by heritage and collaboration, FCR strives to make its mark by providing beef that’s born and raised in Florida.   

As a This Brand Saves Land™ corporate partner, FCR has joined Conservation’s Florida’s fight for Florida. The partnership shows the strength of likeminded brands coming together and actively allows organizations to partake in practicing their Florida-focused values.   

“It’s vitally important that Florida and our country at large get serious about land conservation to preserve this land before it’s gone,” said Gene Lollis.  

Conservation Florida’s partnership with Florida Cattle Ranchers, and others within the campaign, is a driving force behind their ability to continue forging a conservation future in Florida. The effects of Conservation Florida’s land saving work are amplified and multiplied when we come together as Floridians to protect what is precious within our state.  

Growing by nearly 1,000 newcomers each day, how we manage our natural resources over the next 10 years – what we save and what we pave – will undoubtedly determine Florida’s conservation future and the future of Florida as a whole.  

“This state is not sustainable unless we preserve Florida’s ranch land that provides the resources necessary for survival like clean air, water recharge areas, green space and habitats for endangered species,” said Cary Lightsey, a founding member of FCR. “My old saying has always been, ‘people don’t come here to see a housing development, they come here to see our beautiful ecosystem’.”

By partnering with businesses that share the same vision for Florida’s conservation future, Conservation Florida will expand its programs, its land protection pace, and propel the land conservancy to new conservation heights. This Brand Saves Land™ is a way for businesses to highlight their values, social responsibility, and how they are giving back to the community.  

“We are proud to be partnering with the Florida Cattle Ranchers to achieve a joint vision for Florida,” said Traci Deen, Conservation Florida’s CEO. “We’re eager to link arms with Florida-based brands that love this state and want to keep it wildly beautiful.” 

Interested in joining forces for the protection of natural and agricultural landscapes throughout Florida?

Become a This Brand Saves Land ™ Corporate Partner and commit to conservation. Businesses that link arms via This Brand Saves Land™ will play a vital part in protecting Florida’s future. Join us!

About Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever!

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

2021 Bioblitz attendees explore and support D Ranch Preserve

Conservation Florida’s very own piece of wild Florida, D Ranch Preserve, was opened to the public for the first time on May 22 for the organization’s annual bioblitz. 256 observations were made on iNaturalist of at least 87 different species.

Conservation Florida’s very own piece of wild Florida, D Ranch Preserve, was opened to the public on May 22 for the organization’s annual bioblitz.  

Driven by curiosity and the love of nature, more than 50 participants traveled from Tallahassee, Tampa, and beyond to the 476-acre preserve to hear from subject matter experts and log local biodiversity. 

D Ranch Preserve is teeming with life and on May 22, with eager explorers as well. The group recorded 256 observations on iNaturalist of at least 87 different species during the four-hour bioblitz. 

Some of the species observed were: eastern coral snake, dusky pygmy rattlesnake, southern black racer, oak toads, blue dasher, sand blackberries, sunshine mimosas, gopher tortoises, tarflower, American beautyberry, and yellow milkwort. 

The information gathered during the bioblitz will not only help Conservation Florida learn how to best manage D Ranch Preserve, but it will also contribute to the collection of scientific data through iNaturalist.  

To learn more about the species documented during our D Ranch Preserve bioblitz event, please check out our project on iNaturalist

Trekking the Trails 

Photo by Will Guensler

Photo by Will Guensler

The morning began with a difficult decision, take the bright and early birding tour or go gopher tortoise spotting.  

Birding experts, Deborah Green, Peter Kleinhenz, and Heather Levy led a group through the preserve and identified the songs of a Carolina Wren, spotted sandhill cranes flying above, and more!  

Neal Halstead led his group to several gopher tortoise burrows and used a camera to peek inside them in search of gopher tortoises. Not only did they find tortoises, but gopher frogs and wolf spiders as well! More than 350 species benefit from gopher tortoises and their burrows. Read more here about why this makes them a keystone species! 

Next, participants hiked with Dr. Marc Behrendt looking for hidden reptiles and amphibians. Luckily, an eastern coral snake and a Florida bark scorpion were spotted in enough time for those nearby to back away! 

Photo by Will Guensler.

Photo by Will Guensler.


Marcie Clutter took a group through trails to identify as many plants as possible. Some of the highlights were Florida prickly-pear cactus, tarflower, and scrub roseling.  

Finally, Conservation Florida staff Adam Bass and Lillian Dinkins took those who were not exploring and bioblitzing on their own through the unique habitats of D Ranch Preserve to show guests the importance of conservation and property management.  

Read more about D Ranch preserve here.  

Special Thanks 

Thank you to our volunteers and participants who helped make this special bioblitz a success. We hope to welcome you back to D Ranch Preserve very soon! 

Photo by Conservation Florida staff.

Photo by Conservation Florida staff.

Support D Ranch Preserve

Conservation Florida plans to open D Ranch Preserve in its full glory as a public preserve that is protected forever. Join us in our efforts to support the conservation and exploration of wild Florida land.

Please consider making a donation to fund Conservation Florida’s land management and public opening of D Ranch Preserve so that it may be enjoyed by all for years to come!

About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.  

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever! 

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Partnership and Philanthropy Save 278 acres on Florida’s Santa Fe River

“We wish to show our appreciation for the opportunity this Country has provided us by contributing this beautiful piece of property along the Santa Fe River, in Alachua and Bradford Counties,” said Dale Lundgren, speaking on behalf of himself and his wife, Helen. The couple has owned the property for over 40 years.

Photo of Santa Fe River by ACT staff.

Photo of Santa Fe River by ACT staff.


Gainesville, Fla. (May 26, 2021) – Together, two land trusts, Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) and Conservation Florida, will permanently conserve 278 acres on the Santa Fe River. Additionally, 236 of those acres will become Alachua County’s newest preserve owned and operated by Alachua County. The land trusts will jointly hold a conservation easement over the preserve and surrounding acreage.

This pristine habitat in the Upper Santa Fe River basin is forever protected thanks to a generous donation by landowners Dale and Helen Lundgren.  

“We wish to show our appreciation for the opportunity this Country has provided us by contributing this beautiful piece of property along the Santa Fe River, in Alachua and Bradford Counties,” said Dale Lundgren, speaking on behalf of himself and his wife, Helen. The couple has owned the property for over 40 years.

The Santa Fe River begins its 75-mile westerly journey at Lake Santa Fe northeast of Gainesville. It meanders toward the Suwannee River, where it empties, flowing underground in O’Leno State Park through an intricate cave system and emerging at River Rise Preserve State Park. 

Along the way, it passes by the Lundgrens’ property – a special slice of Florida that spans a mile of the Santa Fe River on both the north and south banks.

The Lundgrens’ dream of protecting their cherished family land is now a reality after years of negotiations with Alachua County, ACT, and Conservation Florida. The couple carefully explored their options and found a unique solution to meet their conservation goals for the property.

They donated 236 acres to Alachua County to own and manage as a public preserve. Additionally, the Lundgren’s donated a conservation easement on the property that will be jointly held by ACT and Conservation Florida. The conservation easement provides an additional level of protection by requiring annual monitoring to ensure the land is maintained with conservation in mind as the Lundgrens desire.

“Protection of lands along the Santa Fe River has been the top priority of the Alachua County’s acquisition program since its inception. These donations are a significant step forward in achieving the County’s goals, noted Charlie Houder, Land Conservation and Management Director of Environmental Protection for Alachua County. “In addition to preserving high quality habitat, the land will ultimately provide additional opportunities for public recreation and environmental education.”

The two land trusts, ACT and Conservation Florida, will share these responsibilities and serve as backups for each other. The Lundgrens chose this option understanding the long-lasting responsibility of protecting land.

Together, the three partners will work closely with one another to protect the remarkable habitat on the property and make sure that generations to come are able to visit and enjoy this special preserve.

“Dale and Helen Lundgren’s gift is a critical part of conservation efforts to protect the most critical east-west wildlife corridor in North Central Florida,” said Tom Kay, Executive Director of ACT.  “Keeping this corridor intact is not only important for wildlife but also for the water quality and quantity of the Santa Fe River, its springs, and the people in region who depend on it for their drinking water, recreation and livelihood.”    

According to Florida State Parks, “the Santa Fe River Sink / River Rise system in O’Leno is the largest swallet-to-resurgence system in Florida.” This rare system “creates a natural bridge that humans have been using to cross the river for over 14,000 years, including native peoples, early Europeans and Florida pioneers.”

“There’s power in partnerships,” said Traci Deen, Conservation Florida’s CEO. “We are happy to work with our fellow land trust and the County to make the Lundgren’s dream come true.”

Butch Parks, Conservation Florida’s previous director of conservation who worked on this conservation project prior to his retirement shared, “I admire Dr. and Mrs. Lundgren’s love for the land, their passion to protect it, and desire to share it with the public. They worked for many years with numerous partners to make sure that it was protected forever.”

View of Santa Fe River. Photo by Conservation Florida staff.

View of Santa Fe River. Photo by Conservation Florida staff.

The protection of the Lundgren’s property is the latest success in a larger effort, spearheaded by ACT, that focuses on the Suwannee and Santa Fe watersheds, which contain five state designated Springs Priority Focus Areas. ACT and its partners are working with private property owners in the region to protect working farms, timberlands, and natural areas through private land protection efforts.

Conservation Florida, Alachua County, and ACT have additional land holdings and conservation easements along the Santa Fe River that contribute to the overall goals of the regional initiative.

In addition to protecting scenic views and preventing habitat fragmentation along the Santa Fe River, the preserve offers many benefits to the public including protecting water quality, storing floodwaters, and providing wildlife habitat. It will be managed as a preserve by the Office of Land Conservation and Management under the Alachua County Forever program.  

The property is not currently open to the public. Development of public access and recreational amenities is anticipated once the management planning process is complete. 

“After our demise,” said Dr. Lundgren in a written statement, “we hope it to become Lundgren Nature Park, for the enjoyment of people, both young and old, in this area. Alachua County has been good to us, and we hope to thank them with this gift.”

Help Conservation Florida save more land and keep Florida wildly beautiful by making a donation today!

About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.  

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever! 

About Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT)

The mission of Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) is to protect the natural, historic, scenic and recreational resources in and around North Central Florida. ACT protects land through purchase, donation, and conservation easements in 16 counties.  Since 1988, ACT has protected over 55,000 acres, directly purchasing more than 23,000 acres and actively manages 12 preserves for passive recreational use.  

About Alachua County: Land Conservation and Management

The mission of the Alachua County Forever is to acquire, improve, and manage environmentally significant lands that protect water resources, wildlife habitats and natural areas suitable for resource-based recreation.

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Prepare to BioBlitz like Never Before!

Join us this Saturday, May 22, from 8 a.m. to noon and explore wild Florida! Get an exclusive first-look at D Ranch Preserve while walking trails with experts and learning how to use iNaturalist to count and identify as many species as possible.

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This Saturday, May 22, join us from 8 a.m. to noon and explore wild Florida! Get an exclusive first-look at D Ranch Preserve while walking trails with experts and learning how to use iNaturalist to count and identify as many species as possible.


8 - 9 a.m.: guided hike options: Bright & Early Birding / Go Gopher Tortoise Spotting  

9 - 10 a.m.: guided hike options: Search for Reptiles and Amphibians / Identify Plants on the Property

10 - 11 a.m.: Hike the Habitats of D Ranch Preserve

11 a.m. - noon: Explore and Chat with Conservation Florida Staff

Meet your guides!

8 - 9 a.m.

Bright & Early Birding

Join our experts, Deborah Green, Peter Kleinhenz, and Heather Levy for an exciting bird walk! On this hike, you will learn about Florida’s many beautiful birds and listen for their songs!  

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Deborah Green is president of Orange Audubon Society, a birder, and native plant gardener. She worked six years as an entomologist, including three years in Puerto Rico, and then turned to science teaching in Central Florida — mostly environmental science at the community college level. Her final job before retirement was as Valencia College’s founding Sustainability Director. As a volunteer through Orange Audubon, she chairs the North Shore Birding Festival committee and enjoys teaching and learning. 


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Peter Kleinhenz works as the Aucilla Watershed Coalition Coordinator for Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy. He also teaches part-time at Thomas University and hosts/co-produces the online video series, Wild Wander. Outside of these jobs, he has served on the board of Apalachee Audubon Society for five years and is currently the chair of the Conservation Committee. Peter earned a B.A. in both Zoology and Mass Communications from Miami University, and earned a Master's of Science in Environmental Education from Southern Oregon University. In his free time, Peter enjoys traveling around Florida, around the country, and around the world to search for plants and animals. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, and carnivorous plants are his specialties here in the U.S. but he is most interested in rhinos, small cats, freshwater dolphins, and island-endemic birds. 


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Heather Levy is an avid birder and works as an avian biologist for Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy. She studies endemic and endangered southeastern bird species from the pines to the coastal marshes. She received her B.S. in environmental science at Florida State University and graduated with a M.S. in wildlife ecology from the University of Georgia last year. She volunteers on the board of Apalachee Audubon Society and the Florida Ornithological Society. In her free time, she is probably birding and looking for critters! 

Go Gopher Tortoise Spotting  

Explore D Ranch Preserve with Neal Halstead while in search of gopher tortoises. Be on the lookout for these slow movers and their burrows, which can provide habitat for over 350 other species! 

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Neal Halstead is Research Director and a Senior Ecologist with Wildlands Conservation in Tampa. He has 18 years of research and field experience in Florida. His primary focus is on conservation issues associated with Florida native species and habitats, with an emphasis on experimental design and analysis of research studies. He is the lead instructor for Wildlands’ FWC-approved Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent training curriculum, and is currently conducting a range-wide study on the federally threatened Florida sand skink and blue-tailed mole skink. Neal completed his B.S. in Biology from the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Integrative Biology from the University of South Florida.

9 - 10 a.m.

Search for Reptiles and Amphibians

Hike alongside Marc Behrendt in search of some of D Ranch Preserve’s reptiles and amphibians. You may come across eastern indigo snakes and a variety of frogs/toads! 

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Dr. Marc Behrendt’s first love is herpetology, which inspired him to move to central Florida in 2017 to become involved with the region’s reptiles and amphibians. He teaches anatomy at Celebration High School in and is an adjunct professor with Ohio University. A certified naturalist and active conservationist, Marc is an expert in Herpetology and Entomology, and is an avid birder. During his free time, Marc enjoys spending time outdoors, experiencing and learning Florida’s wild side.

Identify Plants on the Property

Learn about the many unique plants of D Ranch Preserve with Marcie Clutter as you walk a trail on the property. You will be able to identify trees, shrubs, wildflowers and more!

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Marcie Clutter is a retired educator and naturalist who has devoted most of her adult years to preserving and studying endangered plants, animals, and birds. Marcie is a past member of the Chassahowitzka Black Bear Working Group, current member of the Big Bend Black Bear Shareholders Group, and volunteered for Defenders of Wildlife for 11 years as the education chairperson for Defenders’ Habitat for Bears Campaign. Marcie has volunteered with the Florida Forest Service for more than 20 years focusing on removing invasive plants from forestry land. Marcie participated in a summer long research project to document avian nests in the Coolville River Delta, AK in 1987, and monitored an RCW cluster for six years in the Croom Tract of Withlacoochee State Forest. Marcie is an active member and former board member and President of Hernando Audubon Society of Florida. She is currently assisting ARCI’s Ken Meyer with erecting and monitoring kestrel nest boxes near forestry land in the southwestern part of Citrus County and assisting with short-tailed hawk surveys in south Florida.

10 - 11 a.m.

Hike the Habitats of D Ranch Preserve

Follow Conservation Florida staff Adam Bass, director of conservation, and Lillian Dinkins, conservation programs fellow, through the many ecosystems of D Ranch Preserve. Learn about the property’s habitats and history on a walk through wild Florida.


Adam Bass is a multigenerational Floridian with experience in real estate, agriculture, and art. Before joining us as Director of Conservation, Adam managed a 2000-acre farm and cattle operation, and founded a successful wildlife photography business. Adam also served as a Corporal in the Marine Corps with two tours in Iraq. Adam is looking forward to leading our statewide efforts to protect Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. 

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Lillian Dinkins is a recent graduate of Tuskegee University where she majored in Environmental, Natural Resources, and Plant Sciences with a focus in Forestry and Wildlife. She is from Atlanta, Georgia and although she is a city girl, she has a love for the outdoors and a passion for wildlife. She has grown to understand that conservation is important for future generations as well as for people today. Her biggest goal is to help people learn and understand why conservation is important and get people back in nature to see the benefit of being outdoors. While working with Conservation Florida, Lillian hopes to learn about the unique ecosystem of Florida and take photos of wildlife to share what she sees and learns with others. 

11 a.m. - Noon

Explore and Chat with Conservation Florida staff

Learn about our current conservation projects, hear more about D Ranch Preserve, and explore more of the property!

We hope that you will join us at our annual Bioblitz this Saturday, May 22, to explore wild Florida and help us identify the species of D Ranch Preserve.

Learn more and register through the link below.


What's a bioblitz?

Participants come together to find, COUNT, and identify as many species of plants, animals, microbes, fungi, and other organisms as they can spot! You can learn more by watching this short video.

Where is this event taking place?

Our bioblitz is being hosted at Conservation Florida's  D Ranch Preserve in Volusia County across from the Lake Monroe Conservation Area.

2655 Reed Ellis Rd.

Osteen, FL 32764

Who should attend?

Everyone! We will have activities throughout the day that are designed to be fun and informative for families, community groups, and people of all ages and abilities. A smartphone is required to participate in the species cataloging activities but not needed to enjoy learning about and experiencing natural Florida.

How much does it cost?

Tickets for adults are $5. Children under 18 are free to attend. Purchasing tickets directly supports our important stewardship work at D Ranch Preserve. With the generous gifts from our friends & neighbors like you, our efforts will continue to be successful. Please consider making an additional donation today.

How is COVID-19 affecting this event?

We are following recommended guidelines from the CDC to provide a safe and enjoyable bioblitz!

How should I prepare?

Plan as you would for any daylong adventure in the great outdoors. Some of the activities are guided hikes that require a considerable amount of walking on trails that might be difficult to navigate. You may encounter a variety of wildlife, including: snakes, mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, tortoises, birds, and butterflies. You should wear comfortable walking shoes and bring sunscreen, bug spray, protective clothing, and water. You will also want to check the weather and download a map to your location ahead of time in case cell service is not available along your route. 

Please bring your cameras, binoculars, and cell phones - you won't want to miss the opportunity to observe some of Florida's amazing species!

How do I record what I see?

If you haven't already done so, please download the iNaturalist app to your smartphone. This app allows you to record your observations directly to Conservation Florida's bioblitz project. Please visit the iNaturalist tutorials for more information and join our iNaturalist project. Select the location where you plan to participate and record your findings on the day of the event! You can also share your experience on social media using #flbioblitz.

What if I have more questions?

We're here for you. Reach out to us at We will also call you and email you periodically as the event date approaches. 

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Gissy Springs and Rainbow River Ranch added to growing list of Conservation Florida land protection priorities

Conservation Florida is urging the State to act quickly to protect these missing pieces of a land protection puzzle that will form an unbroken corridor of conservation lands from Rainbow Springs State Park to Withlacoochee State Forest.

Conservation Florida is urging the State to act quickly to protect these missing pieces of a land protection puzzle that will form an unbroken corridor of conservation lands from Rainbow Springs State Park to Withlacoochee State Forest.

Photo of Rainbow River by James Steele.

Photo of Rainbow River by James Steele.

Public access is not permitted. Please respect private property rights. This land is privately owned, and trespassing may interfere with protection efforts.

Public access is not permitted. Please respect private property rights. This land is privately owned, and trespassing may interfere with protection efforts.

Dunnellon, Fla. (May 12, 2021) - Conservation Florida, a dynamic driver of statewide land conservation and partner in the protection of the Florida Wildlife Corridor, is working on an exciting new land and springs protection project – Gissy Springs and Rainbow River Ranch. 

Located within the Rainbow River Corridor, which is a high priority Florida Forever project, these two properties, totaling 300 acres, span the last 4,620 feet of undeveloped shoreline and contain at least 13 springs that flow into the Rainbow River. 

The Rainbow River is one of the longest spring runs in the world and is a state-designated Aquatic Preserve and Outstanding Florida Water as well as a Surface Water Improvement and Management Act priority water body. These designations speak to the critical significance of protecting this Florida jewel.

“Swift action to acquire conservation easements on these lands will provide added protection to the Rainbow River and the ecosystem that it supports,” said Traci Deen, CEO at Conservation Florida. 

Overuse, septic waste, and pollution pose serious threats to the health of the river. When the landowner, Jim Gissy, explored the idea of building an eco-friendly resort on his riverfront property, he was initially thinking it would be a boon to the community and create jobs. However, his proposal was met with opposition from environmental advocacy groups who feared increased use would further degrade the river's habitat. 

Mr. Gissy withdrew his application to develop because he didn’t want to build something the community did not want. Instead, he met with Conservation Florida to discuss options for selling conservation easements on the property.

“I think there needs to be a balance between keeping nature “nature” and supporting the local economy,” said Gissy. “There’s no other place like it in Florida and the timing is good to protect it,” he said referring to the Rainbow River spring run. 

This would not be the first time Gissy has protected land on the Rainbow River. He previously sold land holdings along the river to the state for conservation purposes. He also worked with state and federal authorities to restore a dazzling second magnitude spring to its original glory by removing years of debris that had clogged it. 

Long sought-after for protection, the parcels would provide the missing pieces in a chain of connected conservation lands, including the Rainbow Springs State Park and Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway, which surround the properties.

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Sandwiched between Rainbow Springs State Park and State Campground, Gissy Springs is a critical missing piece of the Rainbow River Corridor that would connect the current northern and southern parcels of the park. The Rainbow River Ranch is located along the park’s southern boundary.

As stated in the Florida Forever Five-Year Plan, “the proposed acquisitions would provide a more contiguous system of natural areas by creating an intact corridor between conservation lands. It would also provide added protection for the river by safeguarding the remaining undeveloped lands in the already significantly altered waterway.” Gissy Springs, with 13 spring vents, flows into the Rainbow River, which feeds the larger Withlacoochee River. 

The Withlacoochee River and its basin encompass a wide range of ecosystems including floodplain forests, cypress domes, pine flatwoods, sandhills, lake systems, and marshes that provide habitat for important wildlife populations.

Dr. Burt Eno, president of Rainbow River Conservation (RRC), has been advocating for the protection of this land since 2006, when the group submitted the Rainbow River Corridor Project application to Florida Forever. The project sought to protect the Rainbow River by conserving large parcels of land along the river. Among those parcels were the Gissy Springs property and the portion of the Rainbow River Ranch now owned by Gissy. 

"RRC vigorously opposed development on those properties and we are now very pleased that Mr. Gissy has chosen to protect those properties, and the Rainbow River, through conservation easements. We wish him well in this endeavor," said Eno.  

Rainbow River Ranch and Gissy Springs contain several natural communities including hydric hammock, sandhill, scrubby/mesic flatwoods, and upland mixed forest/mesic hammock. Acquisition of these lands will help preserve habitat for numerous species including several turtle species and state-listed wading birds, according to the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection.

Adam Bass, director of conservation at Conservation Florida said that this project checks a lot of boxes. “It meets several of the state's highest protection goals, making it an excellent candidate for funding through Florida Forever this year.” 

In addition to protecting a spring run and agricultural lands, it protects biodiversity by conserving rare species habitat, preserves landscape linkages and completes a conservation corridor, protects surface waters, contributes to aquifer recharge, and enhances natural resource-based recreation opportunities by filling several land gaps between sections of the Rainbow River State Park. Rainbow Springs is a first magnitude spring and currently has the highest average flow of any spring in Florida.

This is a rare opportunity to complete a corridor of protected lands to prevent further development and conflicting land uses that could harm the ecological value of the beautiful Rainbow River. Further, the project will provide potential restoration of altered habitats along the riverbank to help restore and maintain water quality. 

Help Conservation Florida save more land like Gissy Springs by making a donation today!

About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.  

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever! 

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Director of Philanthropy Hired to Increase Land Conservation Capabilities

As director of philanthropy, Sarah Collins will lead fundraising efforts to support the organization’s large-scale land conservation mission.

Conservation Florida, a leader in statewide land conservation, hired Sarah Collins as its first director of philanthropy. This is a new position for the organization that will further its statewide strategy to save land that supports Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation.

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Collins will combine her professional experience and passion for Florida to lead strategic fundraising initiatives that support the organization’s mission. She hopes to serve a greater purpose and to build meaningful relationships in philanthropic support to protect Florida’s natural beauty for future generations.

“Sarah will now combine her deep love for Florida with her skillset and lead Conservation Florida’s philanthropy team,” said Traci Deen, Conservation Florida’s CEO. “She brings a high level of energy, skill, and passion to our team and we are thrilled to have her join us in the mission to save the wild places that we all love.”

Born and raised in Tallahassee, she earned her undergraduate degree in fine arts and master’s in Integrated Marketing and Communication Management from Florida State University. As a graduate and former employee of FSU, Collins is delighted to share her love for the garnet and gold with her family members who reside in the city.

“Bringing more than 10 years of professional experience in fundraising and solicitation strategy from my previous roles with FSU and the Economic Development Council, I’m thrilled to continue serving Florida in this capacity now through Conservation Florida,” said Collins.  

Her family has treasured Florida’s natural wonders for six generations. They enjoy sharing stories and memories about wild Florida spanning the many years of their history in the state.

Growing up, Collins spent countless days exploring the woods and coast of the Big Bend area of Florida. From turkey tracking with her dad and sister to wondering through the Apalachicola National Forest to scalloping and fishing on Live Oak Island — a love for nature is in her blood.

In her new role as Conservation Florida’s director of philanthropy, she is dedicated to showing how giving back, at any level, can instill a lasting impact on our state’s irreplaceable resources. 

“As a nature enthusiast, my hope for the role is to ensure that not only my own children — Fisher, Olivia, and Rory; but, that coming generations can also experience the same beautiful state I grew up in,” said Collins.  

Welcome Sarah Collins by making a donation today!

Help Conservation Florida give her a warm welcome and donate through the link below or contact her via email,

About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.  

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever! 

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Conservation Florida Working to Protect Ranch in Florida Wildlife Corridor

Conservation Florida has entered into a contract to buy a conservation easement on a 1000-acre working cattle ranch and critical piece of the Florida Wildlife Corridor in Highlands County.

Conservation Florida announces another piece of wild Florida under contract for conservation 

LAKE PLACID, Fla., April 28, 2021 - Conservation Florida, a dynamic driver of statewide land conservation and partner in the protection of the Florida Wildlife Corridor, has entered into a contract to buy a conservation easement on a 1000-acre working cattle ranch in Highlands County.  

The ranch is located within the boundaries of Conservation Florida’s H2O: Headwaters to Okeechobee initiative, a land conservation initiative that’s all about water in the Northern Everglades. This vital and vibrant landscape contains historic cattle ranches, sweeping vistas, and critical ecosystems. Because it forms the headwaters of the Greater Everglades, its protection is vital for the future of Florida’s freshwater supply.   

More, the property sits as a critical piece of the Florida Wildlife Corridor, a statewide ecological greenway connecting the Everglades to the Panhandle.  


This incredible property encompasses a mosaic of natural habitats. Towering longleaf pine covers swaths of wire grass and saw palmettos. The area’s dominating flatwoods intertwine with native grasses and rare plant species to create a classic example of Florida’s natural complexity.  

“Primarily composed of native range, longleaf pine flatwoods, cutthroat seep and wetlands, this unbelievable ranch is home to an abundance of documented native and endangered wildlife,” said Adam Bass, Conservation Florida’s director of conservation. “Florida panthers, black bears, gopher tortoises, and rare grasses found only in Florida...this property’s protection will be a home run.” 

At a time when Florida’s last, large ranchlands are under intense development pressures, Conservation Florida has made ranchlands in the Northern Everglades and the Florida Wildlife Corridor a top protection priority. 

The property is another Conservation Florida project that exemplifies the trend of multi-purpose land conservation. The organization uses this strategy to protect land that meets many needs including agricultural production, water quality, rare and endangered species protection, and other factors – like habitat connectivity and building a statewide wildlife corridor.  

“The protection benefits of this ranch will extend well beyond its boundaries. We know that the long-term health of the entire Greater Everglades Ecosystem and the protection of the Florida Wildlife Corridor hinges on conserving lands like these,” said Traci Deen, CEO of Conservation Florida. 

With the property under contract, Conservation Florida and its partners are seeking grants and donations to help buy a conservation easement, which is a binding legal agreement that permanently protects the conservation values of the land. 

"We’re pleased and honored to work with this landowner to meet their conservation goals,” said Bass. “That’s what Conservation Florida is here for. We’re looking forward to protecting this piece of wild Florida together with the landowner and our partners.” 

 About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.  

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever! 

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Conservation Florida's Important Mission to be Featured by GiveVisuals

GiveVisuals will be making a short, free video by professional filmmakers featuring Conservation Florida’s important work.

Conservation Florida selected for Video Storytelling Opportunity

ORLANDO, Florida  (April 23, 2021)—We’re excited to share the news that Conservation Florida was selected by GiveVisuals because of its success in protecting natural and agricultural landscapes throughout Florida. Thanks to this generous opportunity, the organization will receive creative tools and assistance creating a video that shows the significance of protecting land for future generations. 

The video will be created by volunteers from around the world who work with GiveVisuals to create impactful visual stories. The purpose of Conservation Florida’s video is to help raise awareness, advocates, and resources for the organization’s land conservation programs. 

GiveVisuals is a nonprofit organization that provides emerging charities with the free opportunity to expand the impact of their good works in service to others by fostering a network of creative people who want to share their visual storytelling talents.  

“This is exactly what we need, said Cyndi Fernandez, Conservation Florida’s associate director. “With more people than ever moving to Florida, we need to show the benefits of conservation and what’s at stake if we don’t protect our ecosystems.” 

Florida couple, Andy and Ashley McEntire, founded GiveVisuals in 2018 to bring accessibility to professional filmmaking to more nonprofits. The video is expected to be completed in the fall and will allow Conservation Florida to reach new audiences and communicate the urgent need to work together to conserve Florida.  

“We love being able to give back in such a meaningful way. Stories have so much power, and we are honored to be able to help tell the story of Conservation Florida,” said Shannon Abitbol, Executive Director of GiveVisuals.

Read more about why support for our conservation efforts is needed more now than ever. For the love of Florida.

Read more about why support for our conservation efforts is needed more now than ever. For the love of Florida.

About Conservation Florida 

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.  

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever! 


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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida Announces ‘This Brand Saves Land’ Corporate Partnership Opportunity

“This Brand Saves Land is a new and exciting way for businesses to be involved in our shared Floridian community and display their support for land conservation directly to their customers. The combined power from corporate partnership will energize and increase our protection of the natural beauty of Florida for generations to come.”


Conservation Florida seeks business partners interested in joining forces for the protection of natural and agricultural landscapes throughout Florida.

ORLANDO, Florida  (April 19, 2021) — Conservation Florida, a statewide leader in land conservation, launches its This Brand Saves Land™ corporate philanthropy campaign. It offers a mutually beneficial partnership opportunity to businesses whose values align with the protection of natural and agricultural landscapes throughout Florida. This initiative benefits Conservation Florida’s statewide conservation mission, its partners, and Florida land and water all in one fell swoop. Businesses that sign up for the program can support land conservation in a meaningful way and showcase their company values to consumers.  

Do you love Florida? Us, too! 

This cause-related marketing opportunity is right for businesses that have a strong affinity for what keeps Florida Florida, including native plants and wildlife, freshwater, wildlife corridors, family farms and ranches, Florida’s economy, and nature-based recreation. Conservation Florida tackles projects that have a global significance and protect some of the rarest habitats and species in the world. These land protection successes have earned Conservation Florida a reputation for finding creative and common-sense approaches to land conservation.   

Conservation Florida’s success has always been bolstered by partnerships. By partnering with businesses that share the same vision for Florida’s conservation future, Conservation Florida will expand its programs, its land protection pace, and propel the land conservancy to new conservation heights. This Brand Saves Land™ is a way for businesses to highlight their values, social responsibility, and how they are giving back to the community. 

“This Brand Saves Land is a new and exciting way for businesses to be involved in our shared Floridian community and display their support for land conservation directly to their customers. The combined power from corporate partnership will energize and increase our protection of the natural beauty of Florida for generations to come.” 

This Brand Saves Land™ is more than corporate philanthropy. It is a co-branding opportunity that demonstrates your business’s commitment to a healthy future for Florida. There are many ways to participate but pledging a percentage of annual sales, for example, would allow for your use of the This Brand Saves Land™ logo in accordance with the campaign's terms and conditions. The logo is customizable to fit each business’s preference.

The logos for This Brand Saves Land™ are customizable to reflect your brand’s unique products.

The logos for This Brand Saves Land™ are customizable to reflect your brand’s unique products.


In an era of social responsibility, consumers make decisions based on a company’s social and environmental responsibility. Cause-related marketing campaigns have been shown to directly drive sales and boost a company’s public image. There is growing evidence that consumers will choose a brand affiliated with a cause. A Cone Cause Evolution Survey found that, when cost and quality are equal, 87% of consumers would switch to a brand that supports a cause. The study also found that 61% of consumers are willing to try a new product if it's related to a cause.  

Businesses that partner with Conservation Florida sign on to the larger goals of the campaign. All corporate partners who take part in the This Brand Saves Land™ campaign will help generate publicity for the campaign, which will amplify the campaign’s reach and impact by creating awareness of the campaign and benefit participating organizations. 

This Brand Saves Land™ is a bold step for land conservation efforts in Florida. Businesses that link arms via This Brand Saves Land™ will play a vital part in protecting Florida’s future. Join us! 

About Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever!

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Traci Deen to lead Alliance of Florida Land Trusts

Conservation Florida’s CEO Traci Deen was elected president of the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts at their annual meeting held in April. She promises to bring to the group a spirit of collaboration and respect along with her background in advocacy, environmental law, and land conservation.

Conservation Florida CEO takes on new leadership role to help save more land in Florida.

ORLANDO, Florida  (April 16, 2021) — Conservation Florida’s CEO Traci Deen was elected president of the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts at their annual meeting held in April. She promises to bring to the group a spirit of collaboration and respect along with her background in advocacy, environmental law, and land conservation.

Finding strength in numbers, the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts is a network of over 22 land trusts working to protect Florida’s environmentally sensitive lands, natural areas, and public health. The alliance was formed to improve communication between land protection groups and be a unified voice advocating for conservation funding at the state level.

The Alliance of Florida Land Trusts also aims to share news updates among Florida’s conservation community, facilitate coalition building to address land conservation issues, and train volunteers to effectively advocate for land conservation measures.

The position of president was previously held by Tom Kay, executive director of the Alachua Conservation Trust. Other executive officers include, Christine Johnson as vice president, Kevin McGorty as treasurer, and Shane Wellendorf as secretary. Joining them as member at large is Rebecca Perry. Johnson is president of the Conservation Foundation for the Gulf Coast. McGorty and Wellendorf both hold leadership positions at Tall Timbers Land Conservancy as the director and conservation coordinator respectively. Perry serves as the director of real estate and community conservation of the North Florida Land Trust.

Deen became CEO of Conservation Florida in 2017. Under her leadership, Conservation Florida has forged new partnerships, launched new landscape-scale land conservation initiatives, and protected over 8,400 acres of natural and agricultural land.

In her role as president of the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts, Deen will apply her energy, strategic thinking, and resourcefulness to help the group achieve its shared goals of improving communications among state conservation practitioners, advocating for meaningful conservation funding, and sustainable land protection solutions.

“What an honor to work with the dedicated, passionate members of the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts,” said Deen. “This is an exciting and critical moment for land conservation in Florida, and together, we are capable of achieving powerful results for our natural environment.”

About Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever!

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida's Eagle Haven Project Takes Big Step Forward

In 2020, Conservation Florida and the Avon Park Air Force Range formalized a partnership that has accelerated the pace of land protection in the Northern Everglades. Through its REPI program, Avon Park Air Force Range has pledged $1.6 million in funding toward the purchase of a conservation easement on Lost Oak.

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Thanks to strong partnerships, partial funding has been secured to protect Eagle Haven, a 2,909-acre property on Lake Kissimmee

About the H2O: Headwaters to Okeechobee Initiative: Our current work in this region will protect thousands of acres of family-run ranches and wild landscapes, which will provide significant habitat for Florida panthers and many other critical specie…

About the H2O: Headwaters to Okeechobee Initiative: Our current work in this region will protect thousands of acres of family-run ranches and wild landscapes, which will provide significant habitat for Florida panthers and many other critical species like the grasshopper sparrow. Read more.

LAKE WALES, Florida  (March 3, 2021) — Conservation Florida, a leader in statewide land conservation, and its partners at Avon Park Air Force Range, have secured partial funding to protect land within the Avon Park Sentinel Landscape, which contains some of Florida’s most thriving ecosystems. Thanks to the Readiness Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) program, the Eagle Haven property (formerly named Lost Oak) is one step closer to permanent protection. 

Eagle Haven is an ecological gem in Florida, spanning four miles of Lake Kissimmee shoreline. It contains six different habitats brimming with life. From bald eagles to otters, Eagle Haven provides critical habitat for roughly 200 species, including the beloved Florida scrub-jay. 300-year-old live oaks dot the landscape while the swamps and marshes work around the clock to purify water for the Kissimmee River.  

In addition to its ecological features, Eagle Haven is special due to its location in the H2O: Headwaters to Okeechobee, which is a regional land and water protection initiative in the Northern Everglades spanning from the headwaters in Orlando to Lake Okeechobee.

In 2020, Conservation Florida and the Avon Park Air Force Range formalized a partnership that has accelerated the pace of land protection in the Northern Everglades. Through its REPI program, Avon Park Air Force Range has pledged $1.6 million in funding toward the purchase of a conservation easement on Eagle Haven. 

“We are extremely pleased to work with Conservation Florida in the effort to protect Eagle Haven and to contribute to the H2O initiative. Preserving the natural habitat on Lost Oak enhances the Range’s internal conservation efforts while protecting a critical military flight corridor,” said Buck MacLaughlin, Lt. Col., Ret. AF.

This project exemplifies the tremendous work going on in the Everglades Headwaters and the strong, successful partnerships that lead to the 2016 Avon Park Air Force Range Sentinel Landscape designation.

“Our partnership with the Avon Park Air Force Range is a catalyst for protecting land in the H2O, said Adam Bass, director of conservation at Conservation Florida. “Eagle Haven is one of several largescale land protection projects we have underway in the region.”

Conservation Florida is working to secure the remaining funds needed to acquire a conservation easement and is seeking donations to support its efforts. 

Land protection opportunities inside the H2O boundary are a high priority for Conservation Florida and its partners not only for water and wildlife, but also for sustaining military operations at the Avon Park Air Force Range. 

Last year, Conservation Florida teamed up with a conservation buyer who purchased Eagle Haven as a temporary way to stop it from being developed. The anonymous philanthropist has given the organization time to find funding to place a conservation easement on the land to ensure its permanent protection.

The new landowner has already begun caring for Eagle Haven’s important habitats by introducing prescribed burning, which was professionally conducted by Kissimmee Valley Foresters in January. 

The region is home to 161 state listed threatened and endangered species. Securing this property will mean protecting habitat for Florida panthers and other endangered species, such as the grasshopper sparrow. 

Brad Weihrauch, president of the Kissimmee River Valley Sportsman Association, said, “Eagle Haven, formerly known as Lost Oak and Shady Oaks,  is a critical component in The Kissimmee Chain of Lakes and The Everglades Headwater National Wildlife Refuge. The protection of this valuable piece of Old Florida is pivotal to the quality of water that flows south to the beautiful Florida Everglades and out to our coastal estuaries. The partnering efforts and commitment to save Eagle Haven shows the level of dedication that this area of the state needs and deserves.”

The scenic countryside of Eagle Haven was nearly developed into a luxury golf resort. The development plan included 40 cabins, a clubhouse, two restaurants, a marina, and a clay shooting range. The property includes four miles of frontage on Lake Kissimmee, which made it valuable to developers and conservationists. Thanks to the swift action of Conservation Florida and the conservation buyer, Eagle Haven has a chance to be protected forever.

The Department of Defense’s REPI program works with nonprofits, such as Conservation Florida, to conserve land near military installations and ranges. These partnerships work across boundaries to protect wildlife habitats, water resources, threatened and endangered species, and working lands. This strategic use of funding will serve the public interest by protecting endangered species, agricultural needs, and water purity. 

Eagle Haven represents the true potential to protect a piece of the H2O: a vital and vibrant landscape that spans Orange, Osceola, Lake, Highlands, Glades, St. Lucie, Martin, and Polk counties.

About Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects.

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever!

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Conservation Florida Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida teams up with local organizations to promote bird conservation

Conservation Florida, along with Tall Timbers and Alachua Conservation Trust, is partnering with local Audubon chapters, including West Volusia Audubon and Orange Audubon Society, to document declining bird species on private and land trust owned lands. Collectively, the three land trusts protect thousands of acres that, in many instances, have been birded infrequently, if ever.

Environmental groups seek to engage new audiences in bird conservation through the online resource eBird

Conservation Florida, along with Tall Timbers and Alachua Conservation Trust, is partnering with local Audubon chapters, including West Volusia Audubon and Orange Audubon Society, to document declining bird species on private and land trust owned lands. Collectively, the three land trusts protect thousands of acres that, in many instances, have been birded infrequently, if ever. 

The partnership aims to generate more interest in birdwatching and eBird, an online database of bird sightings that provides bird enthusiasts, research professionals, and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and population. The partners intend to engage private landowners and birdwatchers in the collection of scientific data. The partnership offers opportunities for private citizens to contribute to the protection of Florida’s birds. 

“Conservation Florida is grateful to Tall Timbers for spearheading this unique partnership,” said Traci Deen, Conservation Florida’s CEO, “and we are excited to host our first birdwatching tour with Orange Audubon Society and West Volusia Audubon at D Ranch Preserve.”

Tall Timbers received a $5,000 grant from Cornell Lab of Ornithology to work with other land trusts and Audubon chapters to address the well-known bird population decline in North America and help assess habitat reduction and fragmentation.

“Tall Timbers, along with its partners, will help fill in the gaps of bird distribution within Florida and Georgia, while engaging new audiences with bird conservation through the use of eBird,” said Peter Kleinhenz, Aucilla River Watershed Coalition Coordinator at Tall Timbers. “Until people feel personally connected to a problem, they are far less likely to take actions required to solve it.”

This month, Conservation Florida will be holding educational events to give landowners and birders online and in-person tutorials of eBird. The collaborative events are a way for seasoned and aspiring birders to learn about bird conservation efforts and how they can help. On Feb. 27, Conservation Florida, Orange Audubon Society, and West Volusia Audubon will host a guided birdwatching tour at Conservation Florida’s 487-acre D Ranch Preserve in Osteen, Florida. The event is a way for bird enthusiasts to learn about eBird and bird conservation efforts in a safe, socially distanced environment.  

eBird is an app and website that gives birders the ability to document the species of birds they see, record the given time, and mark the location of the sighting. Every time a user documents a sighting, it contributes to a global database of recorded distribution, abundance, habitat use, and migration trends. The more people contribute, the more it will help scientific research and bird conservation efforts.

On Feb. 25, Conservation Florida and Orange Audubon Society will host an introductory training to eBird. Local Audubon volunteers will teach the basics of eBird and how to log bird sightings on eBird. This event is a great way to get people involved with conservation efforts.

“Orange Audubon Society is pleased to be joining with Conservation Florida in this effort, funded by Cornell Lab of Ornithology, to get more people into birding, including landowners, and at the same time to develop a better knowledge of bird distribution on conservation lands that normally have no public access,” said Deborah Green, Orange Audubon Society President. “eBird is Cornell Lab’s remarkable bird observation recording app and database that we hope more people learn to use. We are excited to do bird surveys on the D Ranch Preserve and look forward to expanding this effort in partnership with Conservation Florida into other important conservation properties.”

Eli Schaperow, West Volusia Audubon's lead birder, will be attending the outing at D Ranch Preserve.

Schaperow said, “We are always excited to partner with organizations like Conservation Florida and Orange Audubon Society to both educate the public and learn about what other organizations are doing.  We hope that with what we learn from collecting data at sites like D Ranch, we can find suitable habitat that can be restored to healthy Scrub for imperiled species like the Florida Scrub-jay. This is also a great opportunity to sharpen our surveying skill, so the data we collect may be improved and shared by using tools like eBird.”

Getting more people connected with nature is one of many steps in protecting Florida’s habitat. Florida land trusts have access to thousands of acres that have rarely been birded. Introducing landowners and bird enthusiasts to eBird could offer greater insight into bird distribution on private conservation lands.

In addition, equipping landowners with the ability to document birds on their properties will give researchers long term data on bird distribution, something that can be challenging to track on private lands. More frequent data collection of bird species on private and land trust owned lands will improve conservation efforts throughout the state.  The decline in bird populations is no secret but, through this project, Conservation Florida looks forward to lending a helping hand.   

About the Partners

Conservation Florida

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust with a mission to save Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Our conservation projects support Florida’s native plants and wildlife, fresh water, conservation corridors, family farms and ranches, the economy and nature-based recreation. Since our founding in 1999, Conservation Florida has led the way in strategic and evidence-based land protection and has saved over 30,000 acres of critical habitat through acquisition, facilitation and incubation of conservation projects. 

We save land by developing conservation strategies, exploring funding sources and purchasing or accepting donations of land and conservation easements. Our other services include providing expertise to guide landowners through the land protection process, serving as a trusted community partner to support statewide land conservation and promoting land conservation through effective education and advocacy. Our vision is large-scale, and we are 100% committed to conservation in the state of Florida – for nature, for people, forever!

Tall Timbers

Tall Timbers is recognized as the home of the study of fire ecology and is an advocate to protect the right to use prescribed fire for land management. It is also recognized as one of the nation’s leading land trusts.

Alachua Conservation Trust 

The mission of Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) is to protect the natural, historic, scenic and recreational resources in and around North Central Florida. ACT protects land through purchase, donation, and conservation easements in 16 counties.

Orange County Audubon

The purpose and dedication of Orange Audubon Society (OAS) is to promote public understanding of, and an interest in, wildlife and the environment that supports it. OAS’ education programs foster the recognition of the tangible and intangible values in the remaining natural areas of Florida and the world, and our responsibility for the conservation of the Earth’s natural ecosystems and the services that they provide for the health of the planet.

West Volusia Audubon

West Volusia Audubon is committed to ongoing stewardship and enjoyment of the natural world.


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